Summer 2018 Week 6 (July 10th)


Bok choy (2 varieties), cherries, zucchini, summer squash, chinese broccoli, miniature romain, carrots, curly leaf kale, broccoli, radishes, cucumber (2 varieties).


I usually prefer kale in a soup, but that is clearly out of the question, so here’s a recipe for kale rice.  It’s still early in the season so we can still look forward to zucchini. My favorite way to prepare which takes me back to my grandma’s kitchen is to sautee some onion, add 1/4 inch rounds of zucchini, fresh or frozen corn kernels, and a splash of broth. Cover to steam and just before done top with cheddar cheese to let melt. Here’s a more traditional Mexican recipe.  The persian cucumbers and radishes can go in this asian salad (side dish for a stir fry with bok choys, zucchini, broccoli).

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